Alive Organizer Download Free Trial Version

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Free download for a living organizer for Windows PC. This is a versatile software that crosses traditional organizers. This is a tool for everything for one to manage tasks, contact information, notes and even sending a blog.

Living Organizer Review

This tool allows you to easily create and manage the schedule for each date, get the right -time reminders of birthdays, anniversaries, and vacations, and maintain a detailed address book. But what really separates him is his unique ability to preserve and publish a personal blog, seamlessly integrating your thoughts and plans for daily tasks.

Live organizer for your busy life

He is responsible for his name as a “alive” organizer. It allows you to control, check, edit and update your tasks and graphics immediately. His practical experience reveals that only ten minutes of consumption at the beginning of a daily schedule and checking tasks can save up to two hours of valuable time.

Time Planning

Built -in task management allows you to plan intelligent personal events, meetings and important cases. It sends reminders for each task in time, creating an effective schedule for your personal and business life.

A comprehensive address book

integrates address book -Rich, which allows you to save a wide list of personal and business connections. With more than 50 flights for each contact, you can provide detailed information and find the connection you need quickly.

Effective task management

Task Manager enables efficient design of tasks and projects. You will receive reminders of future tasks and you have flexibility to edit or cancel them. Tasks can be customized for fields such as start and end dates, priority, space, responsible persons, etc.

Personal blogs

express their feelings, feelings and conclusions related to certain events, dates or meetings on the blog website. You can also add photos and photos to your blog posts. After preparation for the release, it is sent to popular blog servers such as Blogger, Live Journal, Type Pad and Mod Blog is just clicking. Contact the global audience, receive feedback and contact supporters worldwide. Windows 7 or later

  • cpu: Intel® Pentium 4 or later/AMD ATHLON 64 or later (at least 900 MHz) (64-bit support recommended)
  • memory: 4GB or more (recommend 8 GT or more)

HDD: 10 GB or more free disk space

  • display: xga (1 024×768), the perfect color (24 (32-bit recommendation)

To express yourself through personal blogs.

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Live Organizer Download Free and Safe

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