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Free Download from Yubico Yubikey Manager for Windows PC. It is a versatile tool for efficiently managing your Yubikey device. Quickly identify the model, firmware version of your Yubikey and the serial number. This tool allows users to configure and customize various security features, such as Fido2, OTP and PIV, which protect their accounts on -line and confidential information. Some important features include:
- Fido2 configuration: Easily configure your Yubikey to support Fido2 authentication, allowing safe and password logins on supported websites and applications. This will allow you to generate unique codes to login on multiple on -line accounts.
- PIV Configuration: use Yubikey’s PIV functionality to safely store session sessions and signatures certificates so that you can make the keys and signatures be seastinatin, maintenance and authentication of sessions and subscriptions can make the subscriptions and subscriptions. The keys and signatures can make the keys and signatures of authentication session and session session subscriptions: Easy.
- Processor: Minimum 1 GHz processor (recommended 2.4 GHz)
- RAM: 2 GB (4 GB or more recommended)
- Free hard drive disc: 200MB or more is recommended online safety with devices. With your friendly interface and powerful features, managing and configuring your Yubikey devices has never been easier.
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