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Download the Thegreenbow VPN Client 6 for free to Windows, which allows employees to work from home or road, and IT managers can join the remote desktop sharing with the company’s infrastructure. The VPN customer offers many features, starting with simple authentication using a simple connection to the Advanced Full PKI integration. Shield
The Agreenbow VPN Customer 6 Benefits
Several remote desktop sessions can be configured on the “Remote Sharing” tab. When the user clicks on one of the remote desktop sharing session, the VPN tunnel is automatically opened and the remote computer’s remote computer session is launched to reach a remote machine. Pre -demanded key, certificates,.) To the USB drive and from the computer. Scenarios can be configured on the Scripts tab. Script or programs can be turned on for each step or the opening and closing process of the VPN tunnel.
This feature allows scenarios (parties, scripts, programs…) at each stage of the tunnel for various purposes, e.g. Set. IRI> /li >>/li -li >>/IRI >> IPSE -LI -li> and li >> li -li >> li -li> heterogenic network IPV4 and IPV6 simultaneously Leforsdings/Ulefeering Haircut andinsinsdings/Lifelings.
Technical Detail and System Requirements
- Supported OS: Windows
- Processor: Pentium IV or higher
RAM: 1 GB RAM (2 GB Recommended)
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